GHG Reduction Potential

The Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) Reduction Potential of a solution is the net emissions reduction
that would result from the implementation of a particular solution as opposed to the food being
disposed of according to the status quo.
Master GHG Reduction Potential Equation:
GHG Reduction Potential = ( Status Quo GHG Footprint per Ton - Solution GHG Footprint per Ton ) * Solution Diversion Potential

In ReFED’s data model, the following calculations are repeated for every sector, state, and food type before any aggregation is done.

Table 3. Calculations Performed to Estimate GHG Reduction Potential of U.S. Food Waste Solutions




Status Quo Upstream GHG Footprint per Ton of Surplus Food Going to Worse Destinations

Food Waste Monitor, GHG Factors developed by ReFED in partnership with Quantis[5],[1]

See Appendix D for more information. The example calculations described here are the same approach that is used in the Insights Engine Impact Calculator:
ReFED estimates that the status quo average upstream GHG footprint per ton of __solutions_example_refed_food_department__ being sent to “worse” destinations in the __solutions_example_state__ Limited Service __solutions_example_sub_sector_category__ __solutions_example_sector__ sector in __solutions_example_year__ was:

__solutions_example_upstream_ghg_footprint_for_worse_destinations__ MTCO2e per ton

Note: “Worse” destinations means that the destination is lower priority than the destination that the solution would otherwise divert the food to. See Appendix C for a list of ReFED’s destination priorities. For this example, the solution diverts food to Donations, so “worse” destinations include anything from Animal Feed and below.

Status Quo Downstream GHG Footprint per Ton of Surplus Food Going to Worse Destinations

Food Waste Monitor, GHG Factors developed by ReFED in partnership with Quantis[5],[1]
ReFED estimates that the status quo average downstream GHG footprint per ton of __solutions_example_refed_food_department__ being sent to “worse” destinations in the __solutions_example_state__ Limited Service __solutions_example_sub_sector_category__ __solutions_example_sector__ sector in __solutions_example_year__ was:

__solutions_example_downstream_ghg_footprint_for_worse_destinations__ MTCO2e per ton

Upstream GHG Footprint per Ton for Food Waste Solution

GHG Factors developed by ReFED in partnership with Quantis

The Upstream GHG footprint factor for Donations of __solutions_example_refed_food_department__ in the __solutions_example_sector__ sector is:

__solutions_example_upstream_ghg_footprint_for_solution__ MTCO2e per ton

Downstream GHG Footprint per Ton for Food Waste Solution

GHG Factors developed by ReFED in partnership with Quantis

The Downstream GHG footprint factor for Donations of __solutions_example_refed_food_department__ in the __solutions_example_sector__ sector is:

__solutions_example_downstream_ghg_footprint_for_solution__ MTCO2e per ton

Annual Solution Diversion Potential

See Diversion Potential calculations.

ReFED estimates that ‘__solutions_example_solution_name__’ could divert __solutions_example_tons_diverted__ tons of __solutions_example_refed_food_department__ __solutions_example_cause_name__ annually in the __solutions_example_state__ __solutions_example_sub_sector__ __solutions_example_sub_sector_category__ __solutions_example_sector__ sector.

Upstream GHG Benefit for Food Waste Solution

= Tons Diverted * ( Status Quo Upstream GHG Footprint per Ton of Surplus Food Going to Worse Destinations - Upstream GHG Footprint per Ton for Food Waste Solution )

= __solutions_example_tons_diverted__ tons * ( __solutions_example_upstream_ghg_footprint_for_worse_destinations__ MTCO2e per ton status quo - __solutions_example_upstream_ghg_footprint_for_solution__ MTCO2e per ton for donations )
= __solutions_example_upstream_ghgs_avoided__ MTCO2e avoided

Downstream GHG Benefit for Food Waste Solution

= Status Quo Downstream GHG Footprint per Ton of Surplus Food Going to Worse Destinations - Downstream GHG Footprint per Ton for Food Waste Solution

= __solutions_example_tons_diverted__ tons * ( __solutions_example_downstream_ghg_footprint_for_worse_destinations__ MTCO2e per ton status quo - __solutions_example_downstream_ghg_footprint_for_solution__ MTCO2e per ton for donations )
= __solutions_example_downstream_ghgs_avoided__ MTCO2e avoided

GHG Reduction Potential of Food Waste Solution

= Upstream GHG Benefit + Downstream GHG Benefit

= __solutions_example_upstream_ghgs_avoided__ MTCO2e avoided + __solutions_example_downstream_ghgs_avoided__ MTCO2e avoided
= __solutions_example_total_ghgs_avoided__ MTCO2e avoided

Reminder: This example calculation is not the total GHG reduction potential for the solution. These calculations were repeated for every sector, cause, food type, and state before aggregating and summing the total GHG reduction potential for each solution.